Congratulations! You’ve just welcomed a new addition to your family, and you want to show your appreciation for the new mom.

Becoming a mom is an incredible experience, but it can be overwhelming too. There’s no better way to show your support than by gifting the new mom in your life something that will make her postpartum journey a little easier.

But what do you get for someone who has just given birth?

Giving the gift of love is one of the sweetest things in life. Whether it’s your best friend, a family member, or even yourself, taking care of postpartum moms is essential.

Today’s post will discuss some of the best postpartum gifts for a new mom that make her feel special and appreciated while she adjusts to her new role as a mother.

Here are some great ideas to get you started.

Practical Essentials

To help the baby sleep, and adjust to being outside of the mother's womb — gift a white noise machine that simulates the surrounding sound of being in the womb ... that feels familiar and secure.

And when the baby's asleep and the new mom is somewhere else in the house doing the laundry, fixing something up in the kitchen, or tidying up the other bedroom — a baby monitor is the best way to still "be with your baby" even when you're not quite there.

Organization Station

When you have a newborn around, it's hard to keep everything organized!

Surprise the new mom with a few organizational items like a diaper caddy or a chic baby bag. A diaper caddy is perfect for storing diapers, wipes, and anything else she needs for quick changes on the go.

And of course, having a stylish diaper bag will make it look like she has her act together even when she doesn't ... yet!

Snuggly Essentials

Babies are snuggly creatures, so why not give the new mom some snuggly essentials? ...

A muslin swaddle blanket is always a good choice! Look for one made of 100% muslin cotton that’s breathable and lightweight — perfect for year-round use.

Or, here's a Stretchy Baby Swaddle Blanket that could be another option to muslin.

If you want to up your gift-giving game, throw in an infant lounger too! These cozy chairs provide excellent back and neck support while allowing babies to move freely.

New Mom Beauty Care Package

A new mom beauty care package is sure to leave her feeling pampered and appreciated (not to mention looking fabulous).

Include items like ultra-hydrating foot cream, aromatherapy eye mask, and nourishing hand lotion — all designed specifically for moms with busy lives.

Don’t forget about lip balm either; chapped lips are all too common after giving birth!

You can also add in some scented candles or bath bombs if you really want to go above and beyond.

Essential Oils

This is an excellent way to pamper the new mom. Essential oils are known for their calming properties and can be used in a variety of ways to help her relax.

From diffusing them in her bedroom or bathroom to giving her soothing massages with essential oil-infused lotions and creams, she can take some time out of her busy day to relax.

Cleaning Services

Let’s face it—new moms have their hands full as they adjust to life with a baby!

And while taking care of the house may not be at the top of her priority list right now, there are still plenty of tasks that need to get done.

A cleaning service will give her one less thing to worry about and save her time so that she can focus on bonding with the baby and getting rest when possible.


New moms need a good laugh every once in a while too!

Give her something funny like a onesie decorated with witty sayings or a funny mug with an inspirational message written on it.

These small tokens will bring smiles (and maybe even laughter!) into those long days and nights of taking care of a newborn.

A Relaxing Spa Package

Treat your favorite postpartum mom with a spa package! --- This is a great way to pamper her after the hardships of labor and delivery.

You can customize the spa package based on what services you think she would like most—from massages to manicures and pedicures, there are plenty of choices available.

Plus, if you include additional amenities like chocolates or candles, it will make the experience even more enjoyable!

Help Around the House

Another thoughtful gift for postpartum moms is help around the house ... Offer to do laundry, clean dishes, mop floors, vacuum carpets—whatever you think she needs most!

Even if it’s just doing small tasks like folding laundry or wiping down counters, anything you can do to lighten her load will be greatly appreciated.

Beautiful Jewelry Pieces

It doesn’t take much to make a big impact with jewelry pieces.

A beautiful necklace or bracelet can serve as an extra reminder throughout her day that she is loved and appreciated.

If you want to go all out, consider getting her personalized jewelry pieces with an engraving of something meaningful—like her baby’s name or initials—as an extra special touch!


Still on the fence about which gift to give? These commonly asked questions and their answers might be of help ...

Q: What are some essential items to add to my postpartum product registry?

A: Essential postpartum items include nursing pads, breastfeeding pillows, pain relief pads, and comfortable clothing.

Q: Can breastfeeding cause discomfort and what can be done to alleviate pain?

A: Yes, breastfeeding can cause discomfort. To alleviate pain, use hot and cold compresses and nipple creams.

Q: What are some common postpartum mood disorders?

A: Postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder are some of the common postpartum mood disorders.

Q: What are some exciting things to do with my new baby?

A: You can try taking your baby for a walk, playing, singing, reading to them, or doing tummy time to promote their development.

Q: How soon can I start working out after giving birth?

A: Consult with your doctor, but generally, light exercise like walking can be started as early as the day after giving birth, while more intense workouts should wait for 6-8 weeks.

Q: How can I manage sleep deprivation as a new mom?

A: Take naps when your baby sleeps, ask for help from family and friends, prioritize sleep, and try relaxation techniques like deep breathing.

Q: What are some self-care tips for new moms?

A: Take time for yourself, indulge in activities that make you happy, get enough rest, eat a healthy diet, and ask for help when needed.

Q: Can breastfeeding affect my menstrual cycle?

A: Yes, breastfeeding can delay ovulation, leading to delayed menstruation or even amenorrhea in some women.

Q: What are some fun facts about new moms?

A: New moms' brains undergo structural changes to help them bond with their babies, and they experience a surge in the hormone oxytocin while breastfeeding.

Q: What are some postpartum gift ideas for new moms?

A: Consider gifting a personalized piece of jewelry, a comfortable robe or pajama set, a massage or spa treatment, or a meal delivery service to help alleviate the stress of cooking.

Fun Facts

  1. New moms experience a surge of the hormone oxytocin while breastfeeding, which helps them bond with their babies and promotes feelings of relaxation and love.
  2. New moms' brains undergo structural changes during pregnancy and after childbirth to help them empathize with their babies and respond to their needs.
  3. The postpartum period can last anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months, depending on individual recovery times and the type of birth experienced.
  4. Many new moms experience hair loss after giving birth due to hormonal changes, but this is a temporary condition that usually resolves on its own.
  5. Breastfeeding can burn up to 500 extra calories per day, making it a great way for new moms to lose weight and improve their health.

The Takeaway

Finding gifts for postpartum moms doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive ... even simple gestures can go a long way towards making them feel special and appreciated during this time.

From spa packages and help around the house to jewelry pieces and other thoughtful presents, there are many options available when it comes to postpartum gifts for the new mom.

Depending on what type of present she would appreciate most, you can tailor your gift-giving accordingly and make sure she knows how much you care about her during this special time in her life!

Your Next Move

As we’ve seen, there are many thoughtful gifts that you can give the new mom in your life—from essential oils to cleaning services to humor.

Whether you choose something practical or something silly, she will surely appreciate it as she navigates her way on this exciting journey into motherhood!

So take some time and pick out something special today — grab one (or all) of these postpartum gifts today and show your appreciation for all that she does!

After all, who wouldn't love being pampered during such an important milestone?

Happy shopping!

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