The Best Mosquito Killers to Keep Your Yard Pest-Free All Summer Long

Summertime and warm weather mean barbecues, pool parties, and spending time outdoors with family and friends.

But it also means mosquito season!

No one wants to be dealing with pesky mosquitoes at all - or all summer long - so we've put together a guide on the best mosquito killers to help you enjoy your backyard without being bitten.

How do you know which one is right for you?

It depends on your needs.

  • If you're looking for an all-natural solution, there are a number of essential oils that can be used as mosquito repellents. Citronella oil is the most well-known, but lemongrass, eucalyptus, and lavender oils are also effective.

*You can find these oils in a variety of products, from candles to lotions to wipes to sprays. Simply apply them to your skin or light the candle and enjoy mosquito-free outdoor time.

  • If you're not worried about using all-natural products, then you might want to consider a chemical repellent like DEET. This is considered to be the most effective mosquito killer, but it's also the most controversial. Some people are concerned about the potential health risks associated with using products containing DEET, but the EPA has determined that DEET is safe for use when used as directed.

*In choosing to use a repellent containing DEET, be sure to follow the instructions on the label carefully.

  • Bti mosquito dunks: Bti mosquito dunks are one of the most popular mosquito control products on the market. They work by releasing a bacterium that kills mosquito larvae but is harmless to humans, animals, and plants.

*Bti mosquito dunks are long-lasting and effective, but they need to be replaced every few months.

  • There are also a number of devices that can help keep mosquitoes away from your yard altogether. Mosquito traps lure mosquitoes in with light, heat, or CO2 and either trap them or zap them with an electric current.

*These can be effective in reducing the mosquito population in your yard, but they won't completely eliminate them.

  • Mosquito sprays work by killing adult mosquitoes on contact. Some mosquito sprays also repel mosquitoes, which can provide temporary relief from bites.

*However, mosquito sprays need to be reapplied frequently (usually every few hours), and they may not be appropriate for use around children or pets.

*Another option is to install screens on your doors and windows to block mosquitoes from getting inside your house, from outdoors in the first place.

How We Find Them

There truly are a lot of different mosquito repellents out on the market, but which one is the best? We've done the research to find out, so you don't have to.

How do you know which one is right for you?

As we say: It depends on your needs.

Here's a rundown of 10 of our first few finds:

  1. Thermacell Mosquito Repellent

Thermacell Mosquito Repellent

This cordless, portable device uses heat to generate a 15-square-foot zone of protection against mosquitoes. It's odorless and safe to use around children and pets, making it a great option for families.

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2.   OFF! Deep Woods Insect Repellent VIII

OFF1 Deep Woods Insect Repellent

This long-lasting insect repellent offers up to 8 hours of protection against mosquitoes. It's perfect for outdoor activities like camping, hiking, and gardening.

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3.  Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent

Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellent

This DEET-free repellent is safe to use on both skin and clothing. It's ideal for those who are looking for an all-natural option.

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Visit the Sawyer Products Store here for more options

4.  Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent

Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent

This plant-based repellent provides up to 6 hours of protection against mosquitoes and other insects. It has a citrusy scent that's pleasant and refreshing.

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Or visit the Repel Store here for a peek into your options.

5.  DynaTrap Insect Trap

DynaTrap Insect Trap

This trap uses ultraviolet light to attract mosquitoes where they're then trapped and drowned in water. It's safe to use indoors or outdoors and covers up to 600 square feet.

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Check out other flying insect solutions when you visit the DynaTrap Store here.

6.  Electric Mosquito Killer Lamp

FVOAI Bug Zapper Outdoor

This LED lamp lures in mosquitoes with UV light before electrocuting them with an electric grid. It's safe to use around children and pets and can cover up to 625 square feet.

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7.  Citronella Candles

Coleman Color Changing LED Candle - Citronella Candle

These candles produce smoke that repels mosquitoes while providing a pleasant aroma for humans. They're perfect for backyard parties or picnics in the park.

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8.  Mosquito Dunks

Mosquito Dunks, Natural

These dunks release bacteria into standing water that kills mosquito larvae before they have a chance to hatch into adults.. They're an effective and environmentally-friendly option for those who want to prevent mosquito populations from growing.

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9.  Wearables

PARA'KITO Mosquito Insect & Bug Repellent Wristband

The wristband is made with natural essential oils that repel mosquitoes, and the reflective stripes increase your visibility in the evenings and at night. Whether you're hiking, biking, or simply enjoying an outdoor picnic, the PARA'KITO Wristband will help you stay protected against mosquitoes.

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10. Wipes

Aunt Fannie's Mosquito Wipes

These individually-wrapped, dry body oil wipes are perfect for on-the-go protection against those pesky outdoor pests. Powered by essential oils including peppermint, lemongrass, cedarwood, geranium, and citronella, these wipes will keep you feeling confident and bite-free for up to 4 hours. 

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No matter what method or product you choose, make sure you take steps to protect yourself from mosquitoes always ... and every summer!

Diseases spread by mosquitoes can be quite serious, so it's important to take precautions.

We have answers to some frequently asked questions and fun facts that you may find interesting.

Q: How many different species of mosquitoes are there?

A: Mosquitoes are a species of insect that everyone loves to hate — they are one of the most annoying and potentially dangerous insects around!

With north of 3000-3500 different species across the world, there is no universal answer as to how dangerous they can be. Their sizes, shapes, and behavior vary from one species to another. 

Some useful tips will help protect you from them. 

Q: What are the most common types and where are they?

A: To get started in understanding what type of mosquito is out there, let's look at the different kinds:

  1. Culex/Culicinae (non-malarial) – This type generally bites humans and animals. These are the most common everywhere except for deserts and colder regions.
  2. Anopheles/Anophelinae (malarial mosquitoes) – This type mostly bites animals but can also bite humans as long as temperatures remain nice and warm throughout the year—especially in areas with lots of water sources nearby.
  3. Aedes – This type prefers to bite humans more than other animals and they tend to live near freshwater sources like ponds or lakes inside residential areas where people often come together in groups (like family & friends).

Q: How dangerous are they?

A: First off, the danger level for mosquitos depend on which species you encounter because some can carry diseases while others cannot; fortunately, only female mosquitos bite us because they need protein nutrients from our blood before laying eggs elsewhere around the area we’re located at that time.

The most common family of mosquitoes is the Culicidae family and within this family, there are two main types - Anophelinae (malarial mosquitoes) and Culicinae (non-malarial or nuisance mosquitoes). 

Malarial mosquitoes deliver bites that can put you at risk of contracting diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and West Nile virus.

Nowadays, most mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika virus, West Nile virus, malaria, etc., can be treated with antibiotics or antiviral medicines if caught early enough. The Anopheles mosquito is the main culprit behind malaria transmission in humans - if bitten by one of these mosquitos a person can become seriously ill or even die.

Other types of mosquito bites (non-malarial) may cause mild discomforts such as itching or localized swelling but generally present no long-term health risks.

Q: What are some best tips to avoid being bitten?

A: Now for tips on how best to protect yourself from being bitten by these little guys?

  • wear light-colored clothing with long sleeves and pants that cover your legs; (mosquitoes tend towards dark colors)
  • use insect repellent when outdoors;
  • apply repellent containing DEET or another active ingredient whenever you plan on going outside during “peak” hours (dusk-dawn);
  • set up fans outside, put citronella candles around your outdoor hangouts;
  • keep windows/screen doors closed when possible;
  • avoid being in outdoor areas where mosquitoes might be found during peak hours such as dusk or dawn; and
  • make sure your home is well sealed so they stay out.

You should also speak to family and friends who live near potential breeding grounds like swamps or marshes since those could attract bigger populations of mosquitos.

Lastly don't forget to check for standing water in places like plant pots, gutters, etc which create ideal breeding grounds for these nuisance creatures!

Taking all this preventative action will help keep everyone safe from pesky attacks!

Q: Some fun facts?

A: Though mosquitos have been around since the time of dinosaurs, there are some really interesting facts about them — they're actually quite fascinating creatures! 

  • Female mosquitoes feed on blood whereas males survive on nectar from flowers. 
  • Despite their tiny size, some mosquitoes can fly up to 1 mile an hour (about twice as fast as Usain Bolt)! 
  • They possess special receptors on their antennae which enable them to detect carbon dioxide from potential targets before attacking; 
  • Their mouthparts allow them to take sugary liquids from plants; 
  • Their wings beat 300 times per second when flying! Whoa… impressive!
  • They’re one of the few insects capable of flying in all directions thanks to their wheel-like wings; 
  • Only female mosquitos bite humans because they need protein from our blood for egg production; 
  • a mosquito has about 10 million olfactory receptors in its antenna compared with a human’s 5 million!

The Takeaway

Don't let mosquitoes ruin your warm-weather fun — take steps to keep them away and enjoy your time outdoors —  bites-free!

The type of product you choose will depend on your budget, how often you're willing to reapply it, and whether you have children or pets who could be exposed to it.

You decide.

Whatever product you choose, make sure you follow the instructions carefully to ensure maximum effectiveness.


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