How much do you know about ocean pollution?

If your answer is "not a whole lot ...", don’t worry — you’re not alone ...

The team at 4 Ocean is on a mission to change that. This vibrant organization is cleaning up the oceans one pound at a time — and they need your help!

You may have seen those beautiful ocean-themed bracelets while scrolling through Instagram or spotted them on the wrists of your favorite celebrities. What you may not know is that behind this trendy accessory is a movement dedicated to cleaning up our oceans.

This is the 4Ocean — an environmental movement started by two surfers who were sick of seeing the trash in the ocean firsthand.

Since its inception in 2017, the 4Ocean team has pulled over 25.5 million pounds of trash from the ocean and coastlines. But they’re not just stopping there ...

... they're creating jobs, and

... they’re also working to change the way we think about ocean pollution and what we can do to prevent it.

Here’s what you need to know about this important organization.

The mission of 4Ocean is twofold –

  • to clean up the ocean and
  • to educate people about the importance of ocean conservation.

To achieve these goals, 4Ocean sells bracelets made from recycled materials, and ... for every bracelet sold, one pound of trash is removed from the ocean. That's the 4Ocean One Pound Promise.

4Ocean Handmade Beaded Bracelet

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The 4Ocean Model

Here's how it works:

  • The 4Ocean team goes out on boats to collect trash from the ocean.
  • This trash is then brought back to shore where it is sorted.
  • The recyclable materials are sent to be recycled and
  • the non-recyclable materials are sent to be incinerated.

*This process creates energy that powers the 4Ocean offices, allowing them to be completely carbon-neutral.

Not only does 4Ocean sell bracelets, but they also employ an army of “beach cleaners” who collect trash from coastlines around the world. To date, these beach cleaners have collected over 25.5 million pounds of trash! This trash is then recycled or reused whenever possible; or disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.

The organization also uses some of its proceeds to fund various initiatives aimed at protecting sea life and promoting sustainable fishing practices.

** In addition to cleaning up the ocean, The 4Ocean also works to prevent trash from entering the ocean in the first place. They do this by working with local communities to set up waste management infrastructure and education programs.

*By teaching people about the importance of not littering and providing them with the resources they need to properly dispose of their waste, The 4Ocean is helping to make a lasting difference.

** The 4Ocean also strives to educate people about the importance of ocean conservation. They do this through their steady social presence:  blog, social media channels, and public speaking engagements.

*By raising awareness about the threat that ocean pollution poses to our planet, 4Ocean hopes to inspire people to take action and make small changes in their everyday lives that will have a big impact on the health of our oceans.

As you can see, the 4Ocean is more than just a trendy bracelet company – it’s a movement dedicated to cleaning up our oceans and protecting marine life. *Through their clean-up efforts and educational outreach campaigns, 4Ocean is making a big splash in the fight against ocean pollution!    

Once aware, many people believe that the 4Ocean is truly an Environmental Movement Worth Joining!  


Here are four reasons ...

  1. Millions of pounds of trash are removed from the ocean every year- but there’s still more to be done.
    4Ocean has removed 7.6 million pounds of trash from the ocean so far, but there’s a lot more work to be done.

*By joining forces, we can make an even bigger impact and remove even more trash from the ocean each year.

2.  You can wear your support for the cause- literally!
Every bracelet purchased: - funds the removal of one pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines; and, a portion of proceeds also goes towards supporting plastic recycling initiatives and developing educational programs aimed at preventing pollution in the first place.

*And as an added bonus, these bracelets look great too!

3.  Ocean pollution affects everyone- even if you don’t live near the coast.
*The health of the world’s oceans is important for several reasons:

  • First and foremost, it’s where a large portion of the world’s population gets its protein from; according to National Geographic, over 3 billion people rely on fish as their primary source of protein.
  • Furthermore, healthy oceans are essential for absorbing carbon dioxide and moderating climate change.
  • Lastly, oceans produce about 70% of the oxygen we breathe! So whether you live on the coast or in landlocked states like Colorado or Wyoming, ocean health should be a top concern for everyone.

4.  There are plenty of ways to get involved with 4Ocean- find one that works for you!
Aside from purchasing bracelets, there are several other ways to get involved with 4Ocean including but not limited to:  

  • fundraising,
  • volunteering at cleanups, and
  • spreading awareness through social media using hashtags such as #4ocean or #braceletsforacause.

Remember, every bracelet purchased funds the removal of one pound of trash from the ocean so wear your support with pride knowing that you are making a difference; you’re helping to make our oceans cleaner and healthier for future generations!

Now that you know a little bit more about 4Ocean and what they do, it’s time to take action and help make our oceans clean again!

Head to their website now to learn more about how you can get involved with this amazing organization!

Among a ton of very inspiring information, this says it best:

"This is what the clean ocean movement is really all about

We don’t clean the ocean just so people can have pretty beaches. The clean ocean movement has never been about aesthetics.

The clean ocean movement is about protecting and restoring the environment so this planet can sustain human life.

It’s about creating fair, living-wage jobs and fulfilling careers in communities where people’s livelihoods and quality of life have been impacted by plastic pollution.

It’s about serving our local community and doing our part to create cleaner, safer living conditions for millions of people around the world.

It’s about working alongside the global community to build a more sustainable future where humanity grows alongside nature and not at its expense.

It’s about doing our job so well that the world no longer needs 4ocean or organizations like us. When we work ourselves out of a job, we’ll know that we’ve achieved our mission."

To borrow 4Ocean's line:

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