Do you W.F.H. ?

Working from home has become the new normal for many of us. And while it has its perks (no commuting! pajama days!), it can also be a bit of a challenge to stay focused and productive in our at-home offices.

Working from home does have a lot of perks ...

... You can roll out of bed and be at your desk in seconds. No more commute ... You can take a break whenever you want to and wear whatever you want (within reason, your boss might be on a video call).

But if you're finding it hard to focus, it might be time to spruce up your work-from-home area.

And so, if you’re lucky enough to be able to work from home, you might as well do it in style, comfort, and with all the right supplies. After all, your office is now your home, so why not make it a space you actually want to spend time in?

But before you start redecorating your living room and moving all your furniture around, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure you set up your work-from-home station for ultimate productivity.

Location, Location, Location

They say location is everything when it comes to real estate, and the same goes for picking the perfect spot to set up shop in your house.

  • When you’re working from home, it’s important to have a designated space that’s just for work—a place where you can close the door (literally or figuratively) and get into “work mode.” This will help you stay focused and avoid getting distracted by things like laundry or the TV.

If you have the luxury of choosing which room in your house you want to turn into your home office, pick Wisely. You want a room that gets good natural light and is away from any distractions (like the TV or fridge).

If you don’t have an extra room in your house that can be turned into a home office, try setting up a workstation in a quiet corner of your bedroom or living room. Just make sure you have enough space to spread out and that there’s good lighting.

*And if possible, try to avoid working at the kitchen table—that’s for meals only!

Invest in the Right Furniture and Supplies

Once you’ve chosen the perfect location for your new home office, it’s time to start thinking about what kind of furniture and supplies you need to make it feel like an actual office. Things like ...

  1. The Right Desk
    Your first step to the perfect work-from-home setup is picking the right desk. And by "right," we mean the one that fits both your needs and your space.
  • If you have a lot of room to work with, go for something big and sturdy, like an L-shaped desk. That way, you'll have plenty of space for your laptop, monitor, printer, and any other work-from-home essentials. Plus, if you ever need to transition into a full-time remote worker, you'll be all set.
  • If space is limited, try a floating desk or a corner desk. These will help you make the most of the square footage you do have. Just because your desk is small doesn't mean it can't be mighty; it can still pack a punch in terms of storage and organization.

*Pro tip:  - Don't forget about ergonomics! When setting up your workspace, make sure your monitor is at eye level, your keyboard is at arm's length, and your chair provides enough support. You don't want to end up with a crick in your neck or back after a long day (or week) of work.

2.  The Right Chair
Your second step? — Picking out the perfect chair to match your new desk.

And just like with desks, there are tons of different chairs out there to choose from—so many that it can be hard to know where to start ... Do you want something ergonomic? Adjustable? Breathable? Waterfall seat or traditional?

Don't forget about comfort—ergonomic office chairs are worth the investment when you'll be spending hours glued to your desk.

The list goes on and on…and on some more. But don't worry; we're here to help narrow things down for you so that finding "the one" is easier than ever before. Check out our guide on finding the best computer chair for you.

3.  The Right Tools
Of course, no workspace is complete without the right tools; after all, what good is a new desk if you don't have anything to put on it?

So stock up on all the must-haves: pens and paper (or a whiteboard), sticky notes, push pins, highlighters…anything that will help make working from home more efficient (and more fun).

If you plan on being on video calls often, make sure your setup is in a well-lit area so people can see you clearly.

*And if you really want to go above and beyond, add in some personal touches like family photos or plants to make the space feel like yours—because it is!

4.  The Right attitude
Last but not least, remember that having the perfect physical space won't matter one bit if your attitude isn't positive as well.

So as you're setting up your new work-from-home area, keep these three things in mind: comfort is key, less is more, and most importantly—have fun with it!

... After all, this is your chance to design a space that works best for YOU…and there's no better feeling than that.

Get Creative With Your Decor

Make it your own!
Just because this is your home office doesn’t mean it has to look boring. Get creative with your decor and make the space feel like yours.

  • Put up some fun wall art or photos of loved ones to inspire you throughout the day. Or if you prefer something more low-key, go for neutral tones that will help you stay calm and focused.

*Personalizing your office will help boost morale and make working from home feel less like a chore.

Setting up the perfect work-from-home station doesn’t have to be complicated—just follow these simple tips and tricks we laid out for you!

And before long, you’ll have an inviting space that makes W.F.H. feel more like a breezy summer day than another day stuck inside.

And if you set things up just right, you can have the perfect work-life balance.

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