Are you looking to buy the perfect gift for a 1-2-year-old? It may seem like a daunting task, but we’re here to make it easy for you.

Whether you’re a grandparent, aunt, uncle, godparent, or friend, finding the right gift for a toddler can be a bit tricky. You want to find something that's safe, age-appropriate, and developmentally stimulating.

With a little research, you can find the perfect gift for toddlers aged 1-2 years.

Not only will you make them happy, but these gifts can also support their cognitive, physical, and social development.

As a parent, family member, or friend, you want to give a gift that will make the child happy and also help them learn and grow.

Here are some ideas that may help ...

Wooden blocks- Wooden blocks are a classic and timeless toy for young children. Toddlers can use them to build towers, and bridges, or just enjoy knocking them down.

They allow them to develop their hand-eye coordination, cognitive skills and imagination while having fun. The best part is, they come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, so no two play sessions will be the same!

*They can help children develop spatial awareness, creativity, problem-solving, and hand-eye coordination.

Shape sorters- Shape sorters are among the most stimulating and educational toys for toddlers as they teach them hand-eye coordination, color recognition, spatial awareness, problem-solving skills, and shape matching. Toddlers love placing the shapes in the holes repeatedly and getting them out.

*This toy can keep them entertained while also enhancing their cognitive abilities.

Books- Books are a great way to foster a love of reading while stimulating cognitive development, nurturing language skills, and expanding a child's imagination.

Board books are sturdy and safe for small hands to manage, while picture books can support children's vocabulary, knowledge of colors, shapes, and sizes, and enhance their cognitive and communication skills.

*Reading to 1-2-year-olds aids their cognitive and emotional development, and introduces them to new words, ideas, and concepts.

Playmats- Playmats provide a comfortable space for children to play and explore without any worries about getting hurt.

*They are great for stimulating creativity as well as educational, language, and social skills.

Musical toys- Musical toys have been found to improve hand-eye coordination, cognitive abilities, and creative expression in infants and toddlers. Music can be therapeutic and enjoyable for children — they also offer audio stimulation and help support language development.

*Musical toys, such as xylophones, tambourines, and drums, can boost children's sensory development, improve their hearing, and enhance their creativity and imagination.

Push and pull toys- Push and pull toys are perfect for 1-2-year-olds who are learning to walk. These toys come in different shapes and sizes, such as carts, animals, and cars.

*These encourage children to walk, improve their balance and coordination, and enhance their physical development.

Bath toys- Bath time can be a fun and enjoyable learning experience for children with the right toys. Bath toys come in various shapes and sizes, from cups to rubber ducks, that can help teach children various skills such as cause and effect and water conservation.

*Bath toys, such as rubber ducks, boats, and cups, can encourage children's sensory exploration, imaginative play, and creativity, while also keeping them clean.

Ride-on toys- Ride-on toys such as tricycles, wagons, and walkers are perfect for 1-2-year-olds who have started walking independently. These are an instant hit with young children, to foster their imaginations, balance, and sense of adventure.

*These toys can improve their gross motor skills, balance, and coordination, and also provide hours of fun and entertainment.

**Whether it is a push car or a rocking horse, these toys promote an active lifestyle and provide a lot of fun!

Play kitchen set- Playing with a toy kitchen set can improve hand-eye coordination, encourage imagination, and teach children about nutrition and healthy eating habits.

*These toys can help children learn about food, cooking, and nutrition, while also supporting their fine motor skills development.

Puzzles - Puzzles help toddlers develop strong problem-solving and cognitive skills. They come in various sizes and numbers of pieces that cater to different age ranges and skill levels.

*They can be simple or complex, and provide hours of challenging and educational fun.

Animal Figures: Animal figures, such as dinosaurs, farm animals, and sea creatures, are great toys that can ignite children's imagination, fuel their curiosity about the world, and help them learn about different animals and their habitats.

Stacking and Sorting Toys: Stacking and sorting toys, such as blocks and rings, are fantastic toys for young children as they can enhance their hand-eye coordination, cognitive development, and creativity. Children can build towers, create patterns, and learn size and shape sequences through these toys.

*These toys also teach children about cause and effect and the concept of size and space, as well as develop their motor skills and problem-solving abilities.

Stroller Toys - Stroller toys are perfect for keeping little ones busy, especially when on the go. These toys attach to strollers and car seats and offer a variety of textures, colors, and shapes.

*These are to keep children engaged and entertained.

Art Supplies - Art supplies such as finger paint, crayons, and stickers, offer young children a way to tap into their creativity and express themselves.

*They also help to develop fine motor skills, concentration, and coordination.

Play Tents - Play tents make excellent gifts for 1-2-year-olds. They can be used as reading nooks, play areas, and even for nap time. Your little one will have a blast with their new play tent.

*They inspire imaginative play, encourage social skills, and give young children a place of their own.

Musical Instruments - Music is an excellent way to stimulate a child's cognitive abilities and creativity. Musical instruments such as drums, xylophones, and shakers, provide hours of playful and educational fun!

*Additionally, they can help young children develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.


Finding the perfect gift for a 1-2-year-old can be a challenge, especially when you want something they will love and that is also beneficial to their development.

Here are some common questions with answers to them ...

Q: What are some common developmental milestones for 1-2-year-olds?

A: 1-2-year-olds can typically walk, run, climb stairs, and say words. They can build towers, solve simple puzzles, and enjoy playing with others.

Q: How can I support my child's speech development?

A: Talk to your child often, name objects, and encourage them to repeat words. Read books and sing songs, and avoid baby talk.

Q: What are some safety tips for 1-2-year-olds?

A: Keep small objects, sharp objects, and cords out of reach. Install safety gates and locks, supervise them around water, and use car seats correctly.

Q: Can 1-2-year-olds recognize their names?

A: Yes! Young children are very perceptive and can recognize their names by 18-20 months.

Q: When do children start walking?

A: Children typically begin walking between 9-18 months. However, it is not uncommon for them to start walking as late as 20 months.

Fun Facts About 1-2 Year Olds:

Interesting and fun things to know ...

  • 1-2-year-olds learn an average of 5 new words a day.
  • They have a sense of humor and may find unexpected things amusing.
  • They can understand simple instructions, such as "come here" or "give me the ball."
  • They may have preferences for certain shapes, colors, and textures.
  • 1-2-year-olds laugh around 300 times a day!
  • Young children can show a preference for faces of their own race as early as 3 months old.
  • 1-2-year-olds often develop a fascination with their own body parts.

The Takeaway

Choosing the best gift for a 1-2-year-old can be overwhelming, but there are many options available that are safe, educational, and developmentally appropriate.

Remember, every child develops at their pace, so avoid overwhelming them with too many toys at once.

And, don't forget the importance of learning through play, and have fun bonding with your little one!

Your Next Move

The gifts we've listed for 1-2-year-olds are both fun and educational. They can help promote cognitive development, physical growth, and social skills while keeping them entertained and happy.

Additionally, we've answered some common questions and shared some fun facts about this exciting age group.

Happy shopping till you find the perfect gift for the little one in your life!

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